Leaving Christchurch, New Zealand….

Well the day has arrived…

Finished packing at home (Needed to get things from my in-transit bag)… Then we jumped into the car and headed over to pick up Mary, Jacqui and Brooke (Just going to see off her mum)..
We then had to go get my things that were delivered to the CourierPost Depot here at the airport…
We were early as well, just a minute or two though. Took another 5 minutes to get the Box.. I called Donna to take Mary, Jacqui and Brooke to the airport while I sorted out my box and bag..
When Donna got back I was sort of ready… So we ran off to get gas for the car… Damn traffic…
Then back to CourierPost to give Brooke the Box to return home…. Thanks Brooke (and her father)..

We returned the rental car (still cheaper than a taxi from the east side), once I finished stuffing my luggage into the suitcase..

Checked in, Nice and quick.. Got a $40 voucher each for transit in Singapore..
Caught up with Morgan and Rachael…

Into the International terminal, out of the 6 of us, 3 were pulled aside for metal bits and Morgan was checked for explosives. I think the closest Morgan has got to explosions would be from a bad curry or milk…

Found out that you need sign your passport as well, Thankfully only half of us had not done that.. They also informed us that In Germany they wont let you sign it in front of the custom officers.

We are waiting in the lounge, A few iPhones are being charged.. A few magazines purchased..

Over the intercom, there is a delay…

Should we be worried about them using duct tape on the wings ???

and we are seated…